"So you're happy. So comfortably happy and settled that 20 years after we split up, you're thinking of going all the way to San Francisco to look at a jar full of my ashes? You're such a lousy liar you can't even lie to yourself."
"Mothers don't know what they're doing, most of the time. Once you accept that, life becomes much simpler."
Una història d'abusos sexuals i de poder. D'una protagonista víctima d'un ex que l'apallisava, l'humiliava i la sotmetia. D'una família que la menystenia, d'un llogater que abusava d'ella... la història d'una modesta redempció, de l'inici d'una nova vida.
Ovidia Yu, Hitting (on) women (Epigram books)
començat_ 4/12/17 // acabat_ 26/12/17
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